Thursday, January 21, 2016

Grey Zone

Since the day that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit,  the struggle between Good and Evil has been very real in all of our lives. As much as we might want to paint people as "good" or "bad" it is just  not  that simple. Until we choose who we are going to serve and are ready to live our lives according to that decision we are all caught in the "grey zone."

My favorite characters in stories, TV shows, and movies are always the conflicted ones. I like conflicted characters because the struggle is usually most realistically portrayed in these characters. The bible says in Deuteronomy 30:19 "Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!" This verse indicates that we all have a choice to make and which path we will go down. The bible also talks about the blessings and curses that flow from our own mouths. Throughout literature and film history we see the recurring theme of redemption and the need to change. People are not one dimensional beings, we are all very complex. 

Most recently I have been amazed by the character of Mr. Gold in ABC Family's Once Upon a Time. People can't always understand why I have  a favorite  character who is constantly hopping back and forth between good and evil but I think that he is the most realistic character in the entire show because of that. I am not saying that we all go out ripping hearts out or that his ability to use magic is something we can all do but we all have our own masks that we hide behind and we all have felt the weight and pressure of the world. Once we know that we are flawed beings, we can have pity on others, not because we are so much better off but because that God has made us so much better off. Romans 3:23 says "For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard." This means that we have all done evil and sinned before God. Left to ourselves we always follow the wrong path but because Jesus came into the world and died for us we have hope! 

But Mr. Gold is not the only character who echoes the struggle between good and evil. There are so many examples in literature and film. The Lord of the Rings is riddled with such examples! Other characters in Literature and film  include: Edmund from Narnia, Bois De Guilbert from Ivanhoe, Michael Henchard from The Mayor of Casterbridge, Arthur Dimmesdale from The Scarlet Letter, Sydeny Carton from A Tale of Two Cities and so many more. 

We have  all lived in the grey zone but today is the day to move out! choose who you are going to serve and which path you are going to take. We are flawed and in need of the savior but there is hope in Jesus.  Even Mr. Gold will one day have to choose which path he will follow.
                                         From: Google Images

Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year

As I sit here waiting to bring in the New Year I find myself wondering what this New Year will hold. If you are like me  you  usually try to write up a list of resolutions and things you need to fix and make better but  I am not doing that this year! As I get older I realize that there is only so much that we really have control over. I am not trying to sound melancholy but that is usually how life works. 2015 has been an amazing year full of challenges and blessings but I am looking forward to the New Year and what that brings. The fact is God knows what this New Year will bring and if we put our faith and trust in him, he will bring us through it! So even though this is the shortest blog I have ever written, I just want to encourage people to keep God #1. Keeping God first in our actions and decisions is not always easy to do but I promise it is totally worth it!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015




If I made you believe that I don't care about  what people think and say about me, I certainly gave 

you the  wrong impression. I am one of those people who constantly worry about how I come across 

to people and what they think of me, or at least that's  the way I used to be until recently...

 Recently I started to consider all of the people God used throughout scripture to accomplish his 

purpose and will. He picked some pretty unlikely candidates for his will. Who knew that the little 

farm boy David would end up becoming a mighty King of Israel? Who knew that God would use 

the prostitute Rehab to protect the Israelite spies who were sent out to scout the Promise Land? 

Neither of these people would have been able to accomplish God's will if they were totally self 

focused and worried about what others thought. There was also John the Baptist the crazy wild

man in the wilderness who baptized people unto repentance. With his diet of locusts and his camel

belt and scraggly hair, I am sure he was quite the catch for women.,, Think about it

So what does this mean? Simply that being self-focused and self-absorbed may hinder us from doing 

God's will. 

The Psalmist talks about humans  being "fearfully and wonderfully made." I think its funny how

I can have a rotten attitude because of a bad hair day or because I gained a few extra pounds over

the Christmas Holidays. Plenty of women are physically deformed or crippled and yet they are

beautiful at heart. This makes me think that my priorities have been wrong and that the image sold

by the world is a load of garbage. Maybe that's because it was... Here's what the bible says, 

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight."  1 Peter 3:3-4

What I  recently learned is that  God's will and purpose for me is greater than 
anyone else's. I had to make a choice.  Is it worth more getting approval from
man or God?  I am not going to lie... I still  struggle with this in my life but I have made a decision that I am more interested in being beautiful For God than anyone else and that my personality and character should be pleasing to him above anyone else! "If God is for me, who can be against me?"  

Guess what? If you are walking in God's will and doing right in his sight and pursuing his definition of beauty you are more beautiful than you realize! 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Bryan College

         I ADMIT IT, I probably don't  blog as much as I should. So to change this up a little ( at least for me), I am going to do submit this  1:00 in the morning blog which will probably be loaded with awful grammar and no punctuation. In the words of Joe Biden, "Its all a bunch of stuff."

 Moving on...

       Two weeks ago I arrived at Bryan College. I was so excited because I knew that it would be such a life changing experience for me. Life changing it was! First of all let's start with the biggest adjustment I had to face, CAFETERIA FOOD!!! If you have a mom like mine  who is the next best thing to a Sicilian chef, you can understand! Needless to say, I have broken the freshman trend by loosing weight instead of gaining it. Adjusting to this kind of food culture  was really hard... until... I DISCOVERED THAT THERE WAS ICE CREAM!!!!  Any way, now that we have taken care of the major adjustment, let's look at the minor adjustments. 

  In all seriousness, these have been a really great two weeks. I am taking great classes and meeting wonderful people. There is nothing like meeting people who love the LORD and enjoy talking about him. Lunchtimes and Dinnertimes have actually been some of my favorite times here at Bryan. You can sit with people you have never laid eyes on before and have a really great chat about absolutely anything! I admit I still sound like I am on my high school  debate team whenever I talk, but I really am learning a lot about the LORD and just fellowshipping with other believers. The other great thing about Bryan is the campus size which is navigable. I don't feel  lost when I walk out of my dorm ! I have also stepped out of my comfort zone and found  a new hobby CALLED.... PING PONG  A few years ago I would have ran away if you asked me to play, but now I find it to be something I really enjoy! I guess sometimes people really just have to be willing to try new things. 
Dorm life has  taken some getting used to. Our AC kept me up the first two nights and I thought that I would go mad! But I have grown quite used to the AC and actually think I will miss it when the cold weather comes. Doing laundry and keeping a clean room has been a good thing to learn and will help me be able to establish some healthy habits. Thankfully I have been blessed with a lovely roommate and some pretty epic suitemates. 
I have not experienced everything yet but it is a  start right? 
Lest I bore you with tales of college days ( To be continued...) I will end NOW 

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Working with Autistic Children

                                                 EVERY DANDELION COUNTS

"But the Beast was a good person...the Prince looked on the outside the way the Beast was on the inside. Sometimes people couldn't see the inside of the person unless they like the outside of a person. Because they hadn't learned to hear the music yet." UNLOCKED QUOTE

Most of you know that for the past two years I have worked with autistic children at the 

local elementary school. Its hard to believe that in less than four weeks I will be saying goodbye 

to these children and the wonderful team of people I have worked alongside of. 

Believe it or not it all started four summers back. 

I will never forget going to the library and getting Karen Kingsbury's book UNLOCKED. I had a 

friend who read it and so I decided  I would give it ago. 

Once I started the book I couldn't stop! It was about a boy named Holden Harris who had autism

and was mistreated by those around him because of it. He finally meets up with this girl Valerie

who wants to love and help him despite what others think of her.

As soon as I finished reading UNLOCKED I felt this strong urge to go out and help children with 

autism. I didn't know how this would happen or if it would happen but it was this invisible tug at

the strings of my heart. I even considered doing music videos and dedicating them to children with

disabilities. I told God this desire and waited to see what he would do. 

Four years later....

I was 19 ( almost 20) and looking for a job. I tried to get a job at Macy's but that fell through. Some

friends of ours at a summer youth came where I was volunteering ( teaching US History) told me 

that there was a teaching position at a christian school that I should apply for.  I applied but was 
turned down since I had no experience.

Not long after that my mom saw a job opening at our school district for an instructional aide position.

She told me that I should apply and see what happens. My hopes were dashed at this point and it was

like WHATEVER. But I did.... In the interview, the lady that was leading it suddenly asked  me my

opinion on autism and if I would be willing to work with autistic children, before I could think of

what I was saying I had answered  YES.

Needless to say....

I got the position and God answered my prayer.

For the past two years I have worked, served, loved, and learned about autistic children. I have 

learned how to use a pecs book, how to teach reading, language, math, and even some personal

developmental skills. I will be the first to admit that my little dream was much different and fantastic

to the realities I have faced on the job. But the rewards have been  greater than I could ever have 


On one of my field trips to a day camp I saw one of our little boy playing with Dandelions. The joy 

one dandelion gave him was like the joy a pile of gold would give you or me. That's when it

really hit me that everyone deserves love and acceptance in life! Everyone counts, everyone

matters and GOD LOVES US ALL.  I am forever changed by what I learned and 

I love my job and the adventures I have had these last two years.....

Who knows what the future holds, its been an amazing ride so far....

So I just want to say that God does really answer prayers and if you do desire to stand out and

make a difference, he will listen to you! He listened to me, I just had to be patient. I promise

he will listen to you too. 

And now I wish to privately acknowledge my six gems below by mentioning their initials.

M.D.B.J. W.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." ROMANS 8:28

Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Problem of Greed


         Lately  I have been thinking a lot about the economic situation in our country and also globally.

I have been  learning  about   socialism and capitalism and why people hold these  views.

 I  now believe that  neither of these viewpoints are a real solution to the economic  crisis we are

 facing and they are really not all that different from each other.

     Capitalism claims to  put industry and trade into the hands of private individuals instead of into

 the  hands of the government. But ultimately the government puts regulations on what can and can

 and can not be done. The rich sit on top and the poor get nothing.  The wealthy people are the

people with the most influence in society and they "rule the world."

On the other hand we have socialism which claims to give everyone an "equal distribution of

wealth." But once again the government is the one who gives out the wealth and regulates spending.

This obviously does not cure the problem either. Those on top are still on top. Russia is an example

and so is France. Both of these countries abolished their monarchies in the interests of the people and

then they got something worse called anarchy. After anarchy comes  absolute government control.

 Taxation  is supposed to guarantee those in need public services  but

it does not always work that way. Private citizens are   funding President Obama's little golfing

expeditions  and private citizens are also funding unnecessary government research projects like

landing on Mars.

The big issue is Greed. Greed in the world and greed creeping into the Church of Christ. Jesus said

in the bible that we can not "serve both God and Money." Tolkien's Novel the Lord of the Rings is

really a an allegory about power corruption and Greed. Jesus talks about the Pharisees devouring

widows houses in the name of doing God's work.  Jesus also  said he desires compassion and not

sacrifice! The idea that God needs your money to do this and that is wrong and simply not biblical.

I was talking about this very matter with someone and that very evening during my devotional time

with God I read these verses from Hebrews without even knowing that they would directly apply to

what we were discussing. Hebrews 13:5 says, " Stay away from the love of money; be satisfied with

what you have. For God has said, 'I will never fail you. I will never forsake you.'" This verse sums it

up so well. The reason why we have poor people is because of the Greed of mankind. We can not

be simply content with what we have and the blessings that God has given to us. We must get the

latest this or the latest that.  We should instead  be looking to God as our provider. Being grateful is

part  of the solution.  The other part of the solution can be found in verse 16. Verse 16 says, "Don't

forget to do good and to share what you have with those in need, for such sacrifices are pleasing  to

God."  This is an imperative command! We must help those who are in need. This does not mean

we throw away our money with our eyes closed... this means we are a blessing and help to those

around us in need on a daily basis.

      So the answer to the problem would be  really quite simple. But we are no longer the Christian

nation we once were. 1) If we are Christians than we should be obeying God's word which teaches

us to be a) grateful for what we do have and b) provide for those in need around us. 2) If we do

this, God  will bless us and take care of us. Selflessness is opposite of Greed and in a

world sinking in moral decay... our best bet as believers is to follow what the bible says in our own

lives and let that be a witness to those around us. With Christmas upon us... let's remember

the ultimate gift of God's love which was sending Jesus to us. We can go further this holiday season

by giving instead of constantly getting. I mentioned briefly the Lord of the Rings. I would like to

finish this blog by posting a rather long quote from that book. This quote was spoken by the Lady

Galadriel. Galadriel was a beautiful and powerful lady who did much good... but even she realized in

her best good if she possessed the ring she would still fall under the weight of Greed. If we ever

think we are beyond greed and human nature... we should think again. The ring should be given to

God... no mere man can shoulder the burden.

"“And now at last it comes. You will give me the Ring freely! In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair!”
She lifted up her hand and from the ring that she wore there issued a great light that illuminated her alone and left all else dark. She stood before Frodo seeming now tall beyond measurement, and beautiful beyond enduring, terrible and worshipful. Then she let her hand fall, and the light faded, and suddenly she laughed again, and lo! she was shrunken: a slender elf-woman, clad in simple white, whose gentle voice was soft and sad.
“I pass the test”, she said. “I will diminish, and go into the West and remain Galadriel."  JRR TOLKIEN'S LORD OF THE RINGS
One final question.... Will you pass the test?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Let's NOT be political correct

                  Just a few days ago I finished reading and studying the book of Romans. The major theme that stood out to me was  FAITH. Romans 14:23 (NLT) says, "If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning."
                This is a very serious verse that every Christian needs to give heed to. If we are not moving in faith, we are moving in sin! How often do we put aside what we know is right for what is convenient or not to offend another person? I am not saying that we can not respect what others believe but we can not "bend" to appease others.           Appeasement and political correctness is a work of Satan himself. This is the very reason why the United States is on the verge of moral collapse. We can no longer deal with matters from a biblical worldview because "we might offend" someone. The church is losing it's ability to confront sin within it's walls, so there is no way we can confront sin outside of our walls. If a brother or sister in Christ is not in line with the WORD of God, we need to tell them and not just let it go. If Mary Evans is worshiping the Lord on Sunday and spending the rest of her week nights in a bar getting plastered, we have a problem that we must confront. We have to love  but with truth and with God's word.      The ever popular bible  verse that people love to throw at Christians is that we must not judge. But this does not mean we should not quote scripture or truth. When we quote the scripture we are not damning anyone, it is the word itself that condemns them. When people quote this scripture they are telling us to "shut up" when we are confronting them or they are trying to justify their own behavior.      If Christ's return is so eminent and near, we can not afford to be politically correct. The UN for all of its political correctness is doing nothing to improve matters in the Middle East. You can love someone, respect them, but you are not helping anyone by refusing to speak the truth to them. Our faith is our testimony and we can not afford to sit on our hands and keep "hush hush." Be bold and strong in the LORD everyone!