Let's NOT be political correct
Just a few days ago I finished reading and studying the book of Romans. The major theme that stood out to me was FAITH. Romans 14:23 (NLT) says, "If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning."
This is a very serious verse that every Christian needs to give heed to. If we are not moving in faith, we are moving in sin! How often do we put aside what we know is right for what is convenient or not to offend another person? I am not saying that we can not respect what others believe but we can not "bend" to appease others. Appeasement and political correctness is a work of Satan himself. This is the very reason why the United States is on the verge of moral collapse. We can no longer deal with matters from a biblical worldview because "we might offend" someone. The church is losing it's ability to confront sin within it's walls, so there is no way we can confront sin outside of our walls. If a brother or sister in Christ is not in line with the WORD of God, we need to tell them and not just let it go. If Mary Evans is worshiping the Lord on Sunday and spending the rest of her week nights in a bar getting plastered, we have a problem that we must confront. We have to love but with truth and with God's word. The ever popular bible verse that people love to throw at Christians is that we must not judge. But this does not mean we should not quote scripture or truth. When we quote the scripture we are not damning anyone, it is the word itself that condemns them. When people quote this scripture they are telling us to "shut up" when we are confronting them or they are trying to justify their own behavior. If Christ's return is so eminent and near, we can not afford to be politically correct. The UN for all of its political correctness is doing nothing to improve matters in the Middle East. You can love someone, respect them, but you are not helping anyone by refusing to speak the truth to them. Our faith is our testimony and we can not afford to sit on our hands and keep "hush hush." Be bold and strong in the LORD everyone!

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