Sunday, September 6, 2015

Bryan College

         I ADMIT IT, I probably don't  blog as much as I should. So to change this up a little ( at least for me), I am going to do submit this  1:00 in the morning blog which will probably be loaded with awful grammar and no punctuation. In the words of Joe Biden, "Its all a bunch of stuff."

 Moving on...

       Two weeks ago I arrived at Bryan College. I was so excited because I knew that it would be such a life changing experience for me. Life changing it was! First of all let's start with the biggest adjustment I had to face, CAFETERIA FOOD!!! If you have a mom like mine  who is the next best thing to a Sicilian chef, you can understand! Needless to say, I have broken the freshman trend by loosing weight instead of gaining it. Adjusting to this kind of food culture  was really hard... until... I DISCOVERED THAT THERE WAS ICE CREAM!!!!  Any way, now that we have taken care of the major adjustment, let's look at the minor adjustments. 

  In all seriousness, these have been a really great two weeks. I am taking great classes and meeting wonderful people. There is nothing like meeting people who love the LORD and enjoy talking about him. Lunchtimes and Dinnertimes have actually been some of my favorite times here at Bryan. You can sit with people you have never laid eyes on before and have a really great chat about absolutely anything! I admit I still sound like I am on my high school  debate team whenever I talk, but I really am learning a lot about the LORD and just fellowshipping with other believers. The other great thing about Bryan is the campus size which is navigable. I don't feel  lost when I walk out of my dorm ! I have also stepped out of my comfort zone and found  a new hobby CALLED.... PING PONG  A few years ago I would have ran away if you asked me to play, but now I find it to be something I really enjoy! I guess sometimes people really just have to be willing to try new things. 
Dorm life has  taken some getting used to. Our AC kept me up the first two nights and I thought that I would go mad! But I have grown quite used to the AC and actually think I will miss it when the cold weather comes. Doing laundry and keeping a clean room has been a good thing to learn and will help me be able to establish some healthy habits. Thankfully I have been blessed with a lovely roommate and some pretty epic suitemates. 
I have not experienced everything yet but it is a  start right? 
Lest I bore you with tales of college days ( To be continued...) I will end NOW 

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

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